In our post “Adaption of Personalization Rules – Pros and Cons” we‘ve mentioned the general pros and cons of adapting personalization rules. Our general recommendation is to let your personalization solution like Recolize do its job and use the personalized algorithms to suggest your products. But we totally understand, that there are occasions when an adaption is absolutely reasonable and needed. Here are 7 reasons to adapt your personalization rules.
5 Types of Transactional Emails With Recommendations
In our last blog post we‘ve described 5 advantages of recommendations in transactional emails. In this one we give you 5 concrete examples of types of transactional emails where recommendations make sense.
5 Advantages of Recommendations in Transactional Emails
Find out 5 advantages of offering personalized recommendations in transactional emails.
5 Ways How To Use Personalization Successfully
6 Christmas Online Personalization Examples
Here are 6 simple but very efficient examples of specific personalized Christmas sales activities, which could also make sense for your website or online shop.
5 Golden Rules for the Perfect Recommendations Design
Here are the 5 golden rules for the perfect recommendations design.
How Personalization Will Look Like in 2025?
The Difference Between Recommendations and Personalization
This blog post will shed some light on the difference between recommendations and personalization and how to distinguish both.
Recolize Launches Exciting New Feature: Email Recommendations
Now you have the possibility to offer personalized recommendations in all kinds of emails: newsletters, transactional emails and campaign mailings.
3 Steps On the Way to the Perfect Title for Recommendations
In the following you’ll get a receipt to find out the perfect recommendation title for exactly your use case.