We have improved the notifications in our Recolize Tool so that you now see the news about your recommendations more easily.
4.8.0: Recommendation Delivery Improvements
We have improved the display of the recommendations to assure that the recommended items will always be delivered. Additionally we have fixed an issue with links redirecting to the home page for email recommendations in Outlook.
4.7.0: Improved User Identification for Email and Web Recommendations
We have improved the user identification mechanism to better combine email and web recommendations. Additionally we made our release quality checks even better.
4.6.0: Improved Domain Select in Tool
We have improved the domain select in our Recolize Tool to fix a bug in Google Chrome and added a new filter for Email Recommendations.
4.4.0: More Intuitive Buttons
The buttons in our Recolize Tool now behave much more intuitive and we also made some bugfixes for the new email recommendations feature.
4.3.0: New Context Filters
Another new release, another new features: our extensive filtering configuration in the Recolize Tool now also allows for context filters. Therewith you can e.g. create recommendation rules especially for people that are older than 18 or male or for sunny weather, and so on.
Have a look at our FAQ article How to use Context Filters to improve fashion recommendations for the chosen size of the user (or any other attribute)?
4.0.0: Preparations for Upcoming Big Feature Launch
Psst, we made some preparations for our next big feature launch. But we can only tell you that it will be something big..
4.1.0: Some Shopify Improvements
We made some optimizations to the Shopify process for accepting the recurring application charge.
4.2.0: New Feature Email Recommendations
Big, big milestone for us: next to our web recommendations you can now use personalized product recommendations with Recolize also in your newsletters and transactional emails. Please see also our blog article Recolize Launches Exciting New Feature: Email Recommendations and the FAQ Is Recolize Usable in Emails?
3.9.0: Cookie Opt-Out
Our customers can now offer their users the possibility to opt-out of the Recolize Cookie in order to be compliant with the new GDPR. For more information please see our FAQ How to integrate the Recolize Opt-out?