3.7.0: New Chat Widget

As we are the personalization experts, you should also have the possibility to contact us anytime if you have any questions. That’s why now we have introduced a chat widget on the bottom right on our website and in the Recolize Tool.

3.7.0: New Chat Widget
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3.2.0: PrestaShop Integration is Here

Lots of coding hours later now our integration for the E-Commerce system PrestaShop is ready. And the best thing is, together with the installation of the PrestaShop module via the backoffice all the Recolize configuration is done automatically.

3.2.0: PrestaShop Integration is Here
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3.0.0: Email Notifications

Another huge milestone: we can now notify you via email if e.g. something with the import of your product feed or with delivering the recommendations went wrong.

3.0.0: Email Notifications
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