Due to high demand by our customers, we now have a new data pool called “All Items” with that you can generate static product carousels. Please find more information in our FAQ article Which recommendation algorithms are supported?
Another new, outstanding feature are the domain-overlapping recommendations. Therewith you are now able to integrate product recommendations on your shop and in your blog and share the tracked data to generate even better recommendations.
2.9.0: All Items Data Pool and Domain-Overlapping Recommendations
Huge update for our Recolize Tool realtime dashboard: lots of additional KPIs and a much nicer presentation.
2.8.0: New Dashboard KPIs
We made the Shopify integration even simpler by automatically importing your products.
2.7.0: Easier Shopify Setup
Our support for different product feed formats is growing and growing: now we are also able to automatically import Findologic feeds.
2.6.2: Findologic Feed Support
Aaaand.. another shop system can now use the Plug & Play Personalization by Recolize: Shopify. To install the Recolize Shopify App in your Shopify Store just install the App via the Marketplace.
2.6.0: Shopify Integration
You now integrate tracking parameters for external analytics system like Google Analytics or Econda. Please contact us for more information.
2.5.8: Tracking Parameters Available
Username and password in the product feed url is now supported as well. This is useful if you e.g. have some test or staging domains where you want to test Recolize product recommendations first. Please find more information about this in the inline help in our Recolize Tool on the domain configuration page.
2.5.3: Password-Protected Feeds Now Supported
You can now add your custom CSS styles directly on the domain configuration within the Recolize Tool.
2.5.1: Domain CSS Styles
If a user adds something to his shop wishlist, this action now also influences the generated product recommendations.
Another awesome feature is our new data pools for bestsellers and last viewed items. For more information please see our FAQ post Which recommendation algorithms are supported?.
2.5.0: New Data Pools and Wishlist Tracking
We achieved another huge performance improvement to deliver the recommendations even faster!
2.4.0: Faster Recommendations