Recolize supports several ways to provide us with your product data that we need in order to generate personalized product recommendations.
Next to the Magento feed format, Google product or feeds we have a custom Recolize feed format that you can use.
Format: CSV
Encoding: UTF-8
Important: CSV file may not contain a BOM
Delimiter: semicolon (;)
Mandatory Fields:
- id
- name
- url
Optional Fields:
- image_url
- brand
- categories
- price
- special_price
- price_currency
- updated_at
Additional Fields:
Next to the mandatory and optional fields you can add as many additional columns to the feed as you want to. All fields will then be available in the Recolize Tool for filtering.
id;name;url;image_url;brand;categories;price;special_price;price_currency;updated_at 1;"Recolize Testproduct 1";;;Recolize;"Kategorie 1,Kategorie2";1.99;0.99;EUR;"2018-08-01 12:45:21"