Recommendations and Personalization Easy as Pie
Integration in minutes without developer resources and no setup costs.
Personalization Everywhere
Display an unlimited number of recommendation carousels on every page. And share personalization across all your domains like blog, shop and company website.
Analytics-like Configuration
Copy one of your site addresses in the browser address bar and optimize recommendations for it. Define rules like “display personalized red shoe sale products for black clothes” and add recommendations to seasonal landing pages.
Your Smart Assistant
Analyze the success of every single page in real-time. Improve the performance of your recommendations with our intelligent hints.
Your Possibilities in Personalization
Customers who liked this item also liked that item.
Displays related items to
the customers.
Offer additional upselling products in your cart.
Last Viewed
Enhance your site navigation with a browsing history.
Email Recommendations
Use all personalization features also in newsletters and transactional emails.
List of Features
Free Monthly Click Contingent
We give you 300 free clicks every month.
Endless Filter Possibilities
All your attributes are available to control the recommendations individually.
Use pre-defined teasers for promoting
specific items.
Recolize doesn’t impact your site’s loading time at all and recommendations are displayed lightning fast.
Content Independent
Recommendations for all kinds of items: products, blog articles, news, navigation, images, etc.
Our responsive carousels fit perfectly for all mobile devices and are easily usable with swipe gestures.
German Quality
Everything is developed in Munich.
Domain, Feed, Ready
All popular feed formats like Google Merchant, CSV or RSS are supported.